Joanna Hubbard

0438 120 904
Joanna Hubbard is an emerging artist living and
creating on Kaurna Land on the Adelaide Plains.
Her work is inspired largely by the natural world
around her; by her significant childhood exposure to nature; and her desire for her children to also have a deep connection with the local country.

Joanna works primarily in watercolour, developing a whimsical illustrative style to her work while also dabbling in the stronger lines of printmaking and s’graffito ceramics.

Joanna loves working with people to create custom art of things that are important to them using a gentle storybook style

As an experienced teacher and university lecturer Joanna also enjoys facilitating both children and adult art workshops and classes in a range of mediums.

Some career highlights for Joanna have been working with the World Wildlife Fund as a feature artist to draw attention to the plight of the Kangaroo Island Dunnart and with clothing brand Gather and Moss featuring her illustrations of the endangered Swift Parrot on their pyjamas.
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