Driving Art Forward

Denny Smalley, Beady Eyes, Painting , 50cm x 46com
Sarah Allen, Damp in the Forest, Painting , 43cm x 43cm


Drawing, Jewellery, Metal, Painting, Photography
Sarah ALLEN, Jess ALLEN, Raelene NEWTON, Greg PERRY, Helen RICE, Kathy SAINT, Denny SMALLEY, Margo WILSON, Pam WITHERS
The exhibition is an eclectic mix of art of various mediums, including scupltures made with horsehoes and jewllery made from recycled beads and glass. The exhibitors are members of the golf club and many have contributed to previous SALA and other exhibitions. Set in the spectacular Adelaide Hills, the golf club is the perfect venue to showcase art work from members, whose artistic talents are many and varied. Charcoal, pastels, oil and acylics are uswed by the artists and photography is also an important part of the exhibition. With its dining room offering coffee and lunch facilities, it is a must for locals and the wider community.

4-30 Aug
Mon-Sun 11am-4pm
Opening Event 04 Aug
Artist/Exhibition Website
Blackwood Golf Club
611 Cherry Gardens Rd, Cherry Gardens
8388 2313
Venue Website Venue Accessibility Website Facebook Instagram