Below The Surface

MaryJane Liebelt, Breaking the Surface, Painting , 40cm x 30cm
Karen Kesby, Tranquility within Paterson's Curse, Painting , 37cm x 47cm


Margherita DORSCH, Ann GILL, Broni IRWIN, Karen KESBY, MaryJane LIEBELT, Steve SUTTON, Stephanie WRIGHT
Seven painters invite the viewer to venture "Below The Surface" ... perhaps into the sub-conscious of the artists, or into the world of the hidden, obscured, submerged & layered realms of Nature.

The group is delighted to present an exhibition of works in watercolour and acrylics, each reflecting the artist's unique style. Join them at the Opening event for great art, live music and an opportunity to meet and chat with the people behind the brushes.

1-31 Aug
Mon-Sun 8am-2pm
Opening Event 04 Aug , 04:00 pm-06:00 pm
Ginger's Coffee Studio
109 Goodwood Rd, Goodwood
7073 2361
Venue Website