Coastal Life and Marine Environment

Anda Panchawat, Octopus, Mixed Media , A2
Maddy, Anda and Isabella, Papermache Sculptures, Mixed Media , max. 30cm


Ceramics, Craft, Drawing, Installation, Mixed Media, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Textiles
Christies Beach High School Students
Christies Beach High School students have created amazing artworks to the theme ‘Coastal Life and Marine Environment’. To inform their creative processes, students explored different mediums and techniques and drew inspiration from the coastal and marine environment of Southern Adelaide coast as well as from examples of works from art practitioners. The artworks on display are showcasing different perspectives of coastal and marine features and animals in realistic and abstract images and 3D pieces. Highlights are a collaborative installation of papermache marine animals and colourful coral reef sculptures in clay, and and a mixed media installation from students from the Inclusive Education Centre.

21 Aug
Wed 4:30-6:30pm
Christies Beach High School in the School Art Gallery
185 Beach Rd, Christie Downs
8329 9700
Venue Website Facebook