
Tasman Dixon, Anticipate, Mixed Media, Digital


Mixed Group
Drawing, Mixed Media, Multimedia, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Textiles
Unley Park Artists
Bronwyn BADGER, Amie BADGER, Alex BECKINSALE, Wendy CARMAN, Rita CHOW, Sally CLARKE, Kingsley CONGDON, Tasman DIXON, Yolanna DIXON, Miranda DIXON, April EDELSTEN-GOULD, Alison ESSELBACH, Peter ESSELBACH, Elle FOX, Heather FOX, Mario GAVINO, Debbie GRACE, Monique HERRIMAN, Peter HOWARD, Kaye KAY, Sheryl KLAFFER, Paula LEE, Lyn LONG, Natasha MILIOTIS, Pippini MOSELEY, Heather PURDIE, Kate RATHJEN, Jennifer REMETE, Linda SHEARWIN, Noelle SHI, Yasmin SOUTHERN, Kristyn SOUTHERN, Bethany SOUTHERN, Eric SWANBURY, Helen TAYLOR, Vivienne WEI
Exploring the uncertainty, excitement, hope and promise of what's just around the corner. 30+ artists of all ages, styles and experiences capture how they feel when something new is about to happen!

9-18 Aug
Sat-Sun 1-4pm
Fri 1-4pm
Opening Event 09 Aug , 07:00 pm-09:00 pm
Unley Park Baptist Church
Northgate St, Unley Park
8272 0258
Venue Website
Workshop Alex Beckinsale – Try Portrait Drawing. 10 Aug 01:30pm - All workshops are $10 including materials. Children under 12 to be accompanied by an adult. Bookings by email to [email protected]
Workshop Heather Fox – Try Lino Cut Printing. 11 Aug 01:30pm - All workshops are $10 including materials. Children under 12 to be accompanied by an adult. Bookings by email to [email protected]
Workshop Rita Chow – Try Macrame. 17 Aug 01:00pm - All workshops are $10 including materials. Children under 12 to be accompanied by an adult. Bookings by email to [email protected]
Sally Clarke – Try Watercolour Painting. 18 Aug 01:30pm - All workshops are $10 including materials. Children under 12 to be accompanied by an adult. Bookings by email to [email protected]