Arboreal Whispers: A Celebration of Trees

Oliver Gerhard, Drawing


Drawing, Painting, Print-making, Textiles
Oliver GERHARD, Malinda-Ro JENNER, Adele SLIUZAS
Art and literature abounds with reflections on and references to trees, the lungs of the earth. Arboreal Whispers is a collection of paintings and drawings by Oliver Gerhard, cyanotype prints by Malinda Jenner and textile works by Adele Sliuzas, all inspired by, and celebrating, trees.

3 Aug - 13 Sep
Mon-Fri 8am-9pm
Opening Event 03 Aug , 02:30 pm-04:30 pm
Artist/Exhibition Website
Some Where House
258 Pulteney St, Adelaide
0413 987 475
Venue Website