Down the Rabbit Hole

Tina Renfrey, Into the Mystery, Drawing , 29cm x 29cm
Meg Mader, Tea with the White Rabbit, Painting , 42cm x 28cm


Mixed Group
Ceramics, Craft, Drawing, Mixed Media, Painting, Photography, Print-making, Textiles
Rabbit Hole Chasers
Artists were invited to be inspired by the story of Alice in Wonderland for their SALA art work this year and to create an imaginative representation on the themes of the story in paint, print, photography, textile, ceramic or other medium of their choice.

SALA at Linhay Gallery is all about fun and the enjoyment of the creative process. Artists are encouraged to give themselves permission to play – create something different from usual in their preferred medium, or to be bold and try a different medium. The resulting exhibition is an eclectic body of work in a variety of media, both two-dimensional and sculptural.

Linhay Gallery is open on Saturdays, Sundays and public holiday Mondays, please phone or email to enquire if you wish to visit at other times.

1-25 Aug
Sat-Sun 10am-4pm
Linhay Gallery
13 Main North Rd, Auburn
0457 824 222
Venue Website Facebook