Suburban Arcadia

Christopher Meadows, Flamingo Oasis, Painting , 63cm x 63cm
Christopher Meadows, Lattice Chair, Painting , 42cm x 42cm


Painting, Sculpture
Christopher MEADOWS
Online Exhibition, Exhibition
Art Images Gallery is excited to present 'Suburban Arcadia' - a debut solo exhibition of paintings and sculpture by Christopher Meadows that celebrates the splendour of suburbia and the interaction we have with our unique domestic spaces.

"As an artist I have often found inspiration from domestic landscapes. In particular the use of visual features aimed at establishing identity and expression within the limitations of our suburban spaces. This includes not only the buildings and structures we create, but most importantly the surrounding spaces that we enjoy as part of our Australian lifestyle. It is here where I find much of the narrative imagery for my paintings. The interaction between natural and constructed elements, intertwined with objects that evoke a sense of recognition and memory. These works aim to convey a somewhat stylised interpretation of domestic splendour that goes beyond our conventional notion of suburban living".

2 Aug - 1 Sep
Mon-Fri 10am-5pm
Sat 10am-5pm
Sun 2-5pm
Opening Event 02 Aug , 06:00 pm-08:00 pm
Art Images Gallery
32 The Parade, Norwood
8363 0806
Venue Website Facebook