Animal Antics

Scarlett Taylor, Flutter, Drawing , A4


Ceramics, Craft, Digital, Drawing, Mixed Media, Painting, Photography, Print-making, Sculpture, Textiles
Modbury High School Community
Students, staff, parents/caregivers and grandparents of the Modbury High School Community were invited to participate in evening workshops. Different artists, media and techniques were introduced and demonstrated during the sessions. Participants experimented with proximity, angle of view and media. School Community members were invited to submit works completed in school classes, the evening workshop sessions or from home, relating to the theme of animals for the exhibition.

15 Aug
Thu 6-7pm
Opening Event 15 Aug , 06:00 pm-07:00 pm
Modbury High School, Art Building Gallery Area
62 Pompoota Rd, Modbury
8264 1955