Neo Post-Object Visual Art - 33 Curious Thoughts

Stephen Richardson, Man Eats Art, Ephemeral


Ephemeral, Installation, Moving Image, Sound
Experience the fascinating potential of cognitive visual art in this cutting-edge exhibition of new works by experimental artist Stephen Richardson, known for his Man Eats Art performances. Neo Post-Object Art is a new movement that challenges the existing assumptions about the production and consumption of visual art. Richardson has abandoned the physical construction of artworks thereby working entirely intellectually. All artworks that have a physical form, no matter how contemporary, are now objects of nostalgia.

2-4 Aug
Fri 6:30-8pm
Sat-Sun 2-5pm
Opening Event 02 Aug , 06:30 pm-08:00 pm
Studio 23
23 Esplanade, Semaphore South
0448 894 975
Venue Website