Organic Visions

John (Bundy) Bannerman, Bygone Days, Painting , 90cm x 40cm
Michelle Chiles, Shou Sugi Bon, Craft , 28cm x 28cm
Sonja Garnaut, Transformations, Painting , 55cm Round


Mixed Group
Craft, Mixed Media, Painting
John (Bundy) BANNERMAN, Michelle CHILES, Robert ECKERT, Sonja GARNAUT
Community Bridging Services (CBS) Inc. presents the Bearded Dragon Gallery, a social enterprise designed to give artists with a disability a platform and space to exhibit and sell their artwork.

Organic Visions dives into our connection to our environment and what this means for us. We asked our artists- how do you connect to nature? What does being alive mean to you? We will showcase four emerging and established artists with disability living, breathing and connected by nature. Artists have included matters in their works such as feathers, shells, bones, leaves, or wood.

Michelle Chiles has developed a unique craftmanship working with ink and wood to create stunning and dynamic varnished wooden wall pieces. Despite working in her craft for over 7 years she has only recently exhibited for the first time with the Bearded Dragon Gallery in 2023.

Sonja Garnaut has had a similar entry into the art world, having exhibited for the first time with us last year. Sonja works with acrylics painting exquisitely intricate mandala designs, using natural elements for inspiration she balances themes and colours in her works to express her changes and experiences in life.

Robert Eckert has been a part of the art community for many years, contributing to multiple exhibitions at the Bearded Dragon Gallery, along with featuring artworks displayed on local buses in Adelaide. Robert is an abstract colourist, working with acrylics and watercolours to create works with depth and intensity.

John Bannerman, or Bundy, has exhibited previously with SALA and the Bearded Dragon Gallery. Forced to leave the outback and a life driving trucks by an injury, he has swapped grease splatters on his shirt for paint splatters. Using acrylics on copper sheets, Bundy emphasises bold vibrant colours and life in country Australia.

Known for our diversity and unique perspectives, the Bearded Dragon Gallery is not one to miss this SALA festival!

8-31 Aug
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Opening Event 08 Aug , 06:00 pm-08:30 pm
Artist/Exhibition Website
Bearded Dragon Gallery
2G Gay's Arcade, Adelaide
0447 962 358
Venue Website Venue Accessibility Website Facebook Instagram
Other Artist Meet & Greet. 09 Aug 06:00pm - SALA in Adelaide Arcade: Artist Meet & Greet evening. A family friendly event to showcase new works for Organic Visions exhibit. Meet our friendly artists and chat to them about their careers and creative processes. Collaborative Artwork: A canvas will be placed in store for visitors to draw on and express their creativity! Location: 2G Gays Arcade Adelaide SA 5000 Time: 6pm-8pm Cost: Free