Tony Kearney, #1402, Photography , 80cm x 80cm
Tony Kearney, #AA-GL, Photography , 80cm x 80cm


In March 2021, a friend and I headed north to photographically record the spectacle that is Speed Week, which takes place annually on Lake Gairdner in the state's north/west. My images were taken on medium format film.

The event is run by the DLRA. “The Dry Lakes Racers Australia is the official sanctioning body for dry lakes racing in Australia. We conduct an annual event called Speed Week at Lake Gairdner in South Australia, Australia. Where cars, motorbikes and trucks that comply with the DLRA rules and regulations run for one-way speed records. Speed Week attracts competitors from all over Australia and around the world to this amazing and unique location to try and go as fast as they can.”

It's an eight hour drive from Adelaide to Lake Gairdner, the last two hours of the trip on dirt roads.

In 2021 a massive thunderstorm dropped 20mm of water in 2 hours, prematurely putting an end to the week’s events on the Wednesday morning. In the two days that the track was open 492 runs were recorded, the fastest across all classes was 275mph (443kph). The track is 9 miles long and located out in the middle of the salt lake in an area where the rock hard salt is 1.2 meters thick.

The large black and white prints are of some of the unique one-off vehicles that participated that year.

1-31 Aug
Thu 4-10pm
Fri 4pm-12am
Sat 12pm-12am
Sun 12-10pm
Opening Event 01 Aug , 06:30 pm-08:30 pm
Artist/Exhibition Website
Ten Gallon Hat
158 St Vincent St, Port Adelaide
0424 046 881
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