Print it, print it good!

Sam Oster, 2,900 - 3,500K : Ocean, Photography
Karen Waller, Ern, Photography


Mixed Group
Curated by Peter Barnes
Sia DUFF, Alex FRAYNE, Alice HEALY, Benjamin LIEW, Sam OSTER, Heather PETTY, Gilbert ROE, Karen WALLER, Mark ZED
South Australia and South Australians through the eyes of some of our best professional and art photographers in an exhibition that celebrates the printed photograph.

In the digital age, most professional photography ends up online. Prints are rare. But a good print of a good photograph is a delight.

National photo awards judge and master photographer Peter Barnes has invited his favourite SA photographers to submit digital files depicting their take on South Australia. He will then fill his new studio at Port Willunga with personally crafted prints of those he chooses.

3-25 Aug
Sat-Sun 12-5pm
Opening Event 03 Aug , 02:30 pm-05:00 pm
Studio Fleurio
16 Anchor Tce, Port Willunga
0412 797 783
Venue Website Instagram
Other Pasta with Patrick.