Destination: Adelaide - Frida's Urban Love Affair

Mel Heatley, Frida Mamacita, Photography , 21cm x 29.7cm
Mel Heatley, This too shall pass, Photography , 21cm x 29.7cm
Mel Heatley, The Artist as The Muse, Photography , 21cm x 29.7cm


Drawing, Mixed Media, Painting, Photography, Print-making, Sculpture
Mamacita Frida Collective
If Frida Kahlo was exploring the City of Adelaide, what would she see, what would she feel, and where would she go?

Come and find out!

In this collection of portraits, we are encouraged to ponder the travels of Frida Kahlo, in a modern and vibrant Adelaide CBD - Living life to the full! Merging her iconic Mexican charm with key places of the urban landscape.
For instance, would she wish to experience the magic of Autumn in Adelaide Botanic Garden? Or, soak in the colourful and multicultural sights, sounds and scents of Adelaide Central Markets?
Would she enjoy riding the tram, and splashing her delicate fingers in the cool water of the rock fountains outside AGSA on North Terrace?
Picture the intensity of her eyes, revelling in the beauty of a blue sky from the banks of a stunning Karrawirraparri (River Torrens)
Imagine her face, deciding whether to have a sip of tequila in the Mamacita Bar, or indulging in a nice Barossa glass of red - (In true Frida Kahlo style, she may well decide to have both!)

1-31 Aug
Mon-Sun 9am-7pm
Opening Event 08 Aug , 06:00 pm-08:00 pm
Artist/Exhibition Website
Mamacita Restaurant and Bar
266 Pulteney St, Adelaide
0491 879 982
Venue Website Facebook Instagram