Fruit of the Vine - Awakening the Muse

Jessica Curtis, Constellation Bowls, Ceramics, various sizes
Jessica Curtis, Constellation bowls, Ceramics, various sizes


Ceramics, Craft, Digital, Drawing, Installation, Mixed Media, Painting, Print-making, Sculpture, Sound, Textiles
In Search of the Divine
Jessica CURTIS
A visual-poetic homage to nature and her abundance as food for the soul and spirit.

Exploring the hidden dimensions of wine, creativity, and consciousness; enliven all of your senses as you explore the art and sip the deep Barossa reds of Moorooroo wines.

A multidisciplinary exhibition by Adelaide artist Jessica Curtis, exploring the hidden dimensions of the wine, the plant kingdom and our consciousness connection to nature and the cosmos.

Art will be curated within the cottage cellar door and attic, responding to the sense of place and space of the picturesque gardens, vineyards and surrounding landscape of the Moorooroo Park Vineyards Cellar Door, Barossa.
Part of the exhibition will include an artist in residency for the duration of the exhibition: a site specific, work-in-progress, made live on site as Jessica creates a mixed media wall collage exploring response to sense of place and the exhibition theme. Watch the installation grow and evolve over 3 weeks and meet the artist.

The exhibition will include mixed media works incorporating painting, drawing, printmaking, textiles, ceramics, resin/glass, texture, and sculpture exploring the sacred geometry of nature with inspirations from wines’ rich impact on the cultures of planet Earth.

Opening day & weekend - 11am-5pm, Saturday 27 July -Sunday 28 July:
(FREE – booking link in ‘Additional Activities’)

· View the exhibition.
· Meet the artist.
· Interact with live plant music.
· Wine, wine tasting and tapas available.

The opening weekend will feature a live 'plant music' sound art installation by Adelaide artists Sacred Resonance (Darren Curtis & Bradley Pitt). Medical electrodes will be placed on the leaves and roots of plants and trees, translating their electrical signals into music audible to the human ear. Touch and interact with the plants and hear then sing in response!

Pop-up Art Happening – 5-9pm, Saturday 10 August:
(Paid ticketed event - link in ‘Additional Activities’)

· Live acoustic music concert by Songs of Poets
· Live plant music performance by Sacred Resonance
· Live interactive plant music installation - hear them sing and respond to your touch !
· Illuminated gardens & vineyards
· View the exhibition
· Unveiling of completed artist in residency art installation
· Explore art illuminated in the gardens
· Meet the artists & learn about the art & plant music
· Meet the wine maker
· All Moorooroo wines on offer for drinking & purchase
· Winter dinner/wine packages & tapas available (dinner bookings due Friday 9 August - 08 8362 2458).

More about inspiration for the exhibition:

Wine has been the instigator of creativity, community, contemplation, and spiritual communion from ancient times. (the time of the ancients.) Writers, throughout the ages, have emphasised wine as an essential companion to the creative process and gateway to connect with the heavenly muse.

“When wine I quaff, before my eyes Drams of Poetic rise: and freshened by the goblet’s dews, my soul invokes the heavenly Muse,” Anacreon (c 582-485 BC), Greek Poet.

Wine also has played an integral part in sacred ceremonies, blessings, and celebrations throughout the ages.

“Feasts are made for laughter: wine gladdens life,” Ecclesiastes 10:19

Wine itself is an art form and is said to be ‘A gift from God,’ to bring joy, grace, beauty, friendship, healing and love to the spirit.

“He brought me to his wine cellar and his banner over me is love.” Song of Songs 2:4

Its smell, taste, colour, texture, and even the popping of a cork, all evoke feelings and sensations that arouse the senses, awaken the spirit and reduce the pace to be in the moment.

“Wine, one sip of this will bathe the drooping spirits in delight beyond the bliss of dreams. Be wise and taste,” John Milton (1608-1674)

But more than anything, wine’s greatest gift is the ability to bring people together in good conversation, companionship, community, and celebration.

“Over a bottle of wine many a friend is found,” Yiddish Proverb.

26 Jul - 11 Aug
Fri-Sun 11am-5pm
Opening Event 27 Jul , 11:00 am-05:00 pm
Artist/Exhibition Website
Moorooroo Park Vineyards Cellar Door
200 Nitschke Rd, Krondorf
0414 770 289
Venue Website Facebook Instagram
Other Sound Amongst the Vines. 10 Aug 05:00pm - Sound Amongst the Vines. 10 Aug 05:00pm - Please join us for our exclusive, one night event: Sound Amongst the Vines – 5 - 9pm, Saturday 10 August: Paid ticketed event•Winter dinner & wine packages available wine, and tapas available (dinner bookings with cellar door day before 08 8362 2458) Booking Required