
Carolyn Corletto, Blueprint, Textiles , 120x190cm
Carolyn Corletto, Prey, Mixed Media , 48x98x32cm


Ceramics, Installation, Mixed Media, Painting, Sculpture, Textiles
For millennia women have lived within societies consciously constructed to corrupt our experience of belonging, to obscure us from our senses and to employ fear based domestication to undermine, for both men and women, the fundamental human drive to explore, excavate and reclaim their own authentic path.

This solo exhibition of multidisciplinary artist Carolyn Corletto explores the yearning to rewild the domesticated woman expressed in paint, clay and thread.

Carolyn Corletto is a finalist in The Advertiser Contemporary Art Award, which has a dedicated finalist exhibition at Keith Murdoch House, Adelaide.

12 Jul - 10 Aug
Wed-Sat 11am-4pm
Opening Event 11 Jul , 05:30 pm-07:30 pm
Collective Haunt Gallery
Lvl 1, 68 The Parade, Norwood
0408 008 011
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