Graham Davis, Lawn Hill Cliff, Painting , 30 x 60cms
Graham Davis, Beach Read, Painting , 28 x 60cms


Drawing, Painting
Graham DAVIS
I like to wander in natural places and choose to concentrate on what I can do to connect the “real” world to the imaginative and philosophical world, mostly but not necessarily always in landscape. My aim is to produce visual mementos that stimulate and resonate over time.

This exhibition of semi abstract works uses brush drawing and paint in thin and thick layers to create colour depth and mystery. Initial visual perceptions usually take the form of gestural sketching in a range of media including ink, watercolour, pencil, charcoal etc. Sometimes it’s better not to act too fast and to let things sit while more fundamental elements of the observed subject develop to where it can be advanced further with paint in the studio. At other times the opposite is true and you go for it on the spot.

Natural and human elements being observed possess their own energy. During translation or codification into two dimensions, manipulating those energies can provide gateways leading towards new awareness. The reward is to be able to share the process and results with others as art.

1-31 Aug
Wed-Sun 12-9pm
Opening Event 03 Aug , 05:30 pm-07:30 pm
Scenic Hotel
Old Norton Summit Rd, Norton Summit
8390 1705
Venue Website