Diversity in Arts Exhibition

Piath Thuc, Self Soul, Painting , 2 Dimensional
Isaac Thok, A Home in Village, , 2 Dimensional


Craft, Drawing, Jewellery, Mixed Media, Painting, Performance, Photography, Print-making, Textiles
Unmasked African Artists
Presentation, Artist Talk, Artist Demonstration, Tour, Exhibition
An event that celebrates the work of African artists and other new emerging communities. This exhibition event is organised independently by the African Communities Council of Inc to feature living African artists and other emerging communities in South Australia as part of the SALA Festival. The event will take place at West Torrens Auditorium Gallery, 1 Brooker Terrace, Hilton SA 5033.

31 Aug
Sat 1-6pm
Opening Event 01 Aug
Burton Community Hub
380 Waterloo Corner Rd, Burton
0401 800 936
Venue Website Facebook