Alex Frayne - First Memories

Alex Frayne, First Memories, Photography
Alex Frayne, First Memories, Photography

First Memories is a captivating new portrait photography series by acclaimed Adelaide-based photographer and filmmaker Alex Frayne. This exhibition showcases ten evocative black and white portraits, meticulously shot on medium format film. Each photograph features women from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds who have migrated to South Australia, forging new lives and futures for themselves and their families in the City of Charles Sturt.

Through Frayne's lens, we witness poignant narratives of these women as they establish deep connections with their new homeland. Each portrait is set against a location backdrop in the City of Charles Sturt tied to a cherished early memory that marks their journey of adaptation and belonging.

This thought-provoking series not only highlights the diversity and resilience of these women but also celebrates the unique moments that shape their experience in a new country.

The First Memories exhibition was made possible through the generous support of the City of Charles Sturt Arts Fund grant.

16-31 Aug
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Sat-Sun 12-4pm
The City of Charles Sturt Civic Gallery
72 Woodville Rd, Woodville
0437 544 924
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