Hatherpedia Perturbation

Elisabeth De Koke & Selena Smith, Shroom & Circles of knowledge, Ephemeral , closeup of large installation
Selena Smith, CIicles of Knowledge, Ephemeral , detail of 200cm x 400cm


Mixed Group
Drawing, Ephemeral, Installation, Painting, Photography, Sculpture
Elisabeth DE KOKE, John DE KOKE, Diana PERKINS, Selena SMITH
Artist Talk, Tour, Exhibition
Exploring discarded sets of Britannica plus unwanted family science and medical-pedias this group of artists have created installations and wall art using these well loved books as the main component of each work reflecting upon the words found within each book as they create.

Inside the old barn/art studio is a traditional style exhibition with works that are collaged, painted, drawn and photographic interpretations of paper art.

Outside, in the garden and on the pizza terrace, there are installations created from the pages of the tomes where you are invited to walk and explore.

Devonshire tea will be on offer during the exhibition and open studio.
Lots of parking available and room for buses and caravans.
Toilet on site.
Official opening event at 1.00pm Sunday 4 August with music by Heather & Chris Webb.

4-31 Aug
Mon-Sun 11am-3pm

Opening Event 04 Aug , 01:00 pm-03:00 pm
Thyme Cottage Hatherleigh
6 Third St, Hatherleigh
0407 290 742
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Performance Opening. 04 Aug 01:00pm - Free opening event with live music by Heather and Chris Webb and nibbles on the pizza terrace