
Michelle Wegund, Betrayed, Painting , 90x90
Michelle Wegund, Fu@k You!, Painting , 90x90
Michelle Wegund, Homeless, Painting , 50x50


Mixed Media, Painting
Michelle WEGUND
Michelle Wegund: Porcelain

Like the clay that is heated to create what we know as the fragile material called porcelain, as humans we are changed by our experiences for better or worse, sometimes we are enhanced by what we have gone through and sometimes we shatter emotionally like the cup that falls to the floor.

As a metaphor for the fragility and pliable nature of human emotions, this exhibition explores this concept through a series of portraits. Each portrait has been done in a varied style and with a different expression and has been tied together through the use of color.

1-31 Aug
Mon-Thu 2pm-Until Late
Opening Event 17 Aug , 07:00 pm-Until Late
Artist/Exhibition Website
The Griff
38 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide
8223 7954
Venue Website Venue Accessibility Website