Studio 49

Sally Deans, Far Above, Painting , 700mm X 600mm
Splint, Afghan man, Painting , 400X400


Open Studio/Mixed Group
Craft, Drawing, Mixed Media, Painting, Photography
Wild Easels
Donna BRADLEY, Carol COVENTRY, Sally DEANS, Ian GRANT, Sherren JEFFERY, Kaylene MAALSTE, Denise MADDIGAN, Cassandra NORTON, Nicole PASCAL, Suzanne WARREN
Artist Demonstration, Open Studio, Exhibition
Recently established studio and workshop space in Port Elliot's artisan hub. From the whimsical and quirky, to sensitive and serene, join a local group of artists while they interpret their own unique view of the world.
In an eclectic range of styles, media and subjects, this diverse group of award winners specialize in pastels, oils, water colour, mixed media and charcoal - with a dash of mosaic, printmaking and photography.

1-31 Aug
Sat-Sun 10am-3pm
31 Sat Closed
Studio 49
49 Waterport Rd, Port Elliot
0499 942 669