Butterfly Morphs

Sandy Kumnick, Transcending Qhites, Mixed Media , Multiple pieces 10x 10cm
Noah Leach, Fun Flying, Mixed Media , 20 x 30 cm


Ephemeral, Mixed Media, Multimedia
green dots OT and Wellbeing
Workshop, DIY Activity, Exhibition
Collage works of butterfly forms composed of photographs, printed and drawn images, with natural materials, including leaves, petals, shells and clay, to create a kaleidoscope of colours, patterns, textures and layers. The works will explore concepts of identity and change, desire for, responses to, and experiences of change. These works will be exhibited at green dots alongside a butterfly installation, ‘The Flutter’, created by artist Sandy Kumnick as part of her 2023 SALA exhibition. During this year’s planning Sandy has contributed to ideas, research and source material. The works will be created by individual students as well as group collaborative processes with participating schools and green dots OT.

1-31 Aug
Mon 4-6pm
Opening Event 12 Aug , 04:00 pm-06:00 pm
green dots Occupational Therapy and Wellbeing Services
109 South Tce, Adelaide
0458 471 648
Venue Website Facebook Instagram
Other Butterfly Morphs Open Day. 12 Aug 04:00pm - TBC