In association with the SALA Festival, Country Health SA and University of South Australia are inviting proposals from South Australian visual artists or groups of artists to participate in an Artist in Residence program in 2018. The residency will be based within the country mental health inpatient unit located in the Glenside Health sites.
Submitting a Proposal to the Residency Program at country mental health inpatient units located in the Glenside Health site
In association with the South Australian Living Artists (SALA) Festival, Country Health SA and University of South Australia are inviting proposals from South Australian visual artists or groups of artists to participate in an Artist in Residence program in 2018. The residencies will be based within the country mental health inpatient units located in the Glenside Health sites.
Proposals should include how the residency will deliver a body of work that is inspired by contact with rural mental health consumers, carers and staff around the theme of ‘Recovery’ for exhibition in the SALA festival.
Residencies will be between three (3) and six (6) months duration, depending on the successful artist’s proposal; however the artist’s studio tenancy may extend to up to 12 months (assessed on a case-by-case basis by Country Health SA).
The artist will be included as an author in any UniSA published research paper (if the artist intends to complete a PhD in the future this counts toward selection criteria).
Where required, both Country Health SA and UniSA will provide a desk with access to administrative support, printing, photocopying etc.
Proposals need to include the following:
A current CV for each participant
A selection of images of previous work with detailed information
An outline of the intended residency project (media, concept, possible activities, potential outcomes)
The intended timeframe
An indication of space and display requirements, and
Indicate the preferred location of your residency.
The residency will be coordinated by Country Health SA, who will facilitate all practical and organisational aspects of the residency.
Country Health SA will require successful participants to complete all the necessary police screening and staff orientation procedures.
Residencies are considered according to proposal strength, relationship to Country Health SA Mental Health activities and/or specific infrastructure and space requirements.
Artist Fee – selected individual artists or artist teams will be paid a total fee of $2,000 (ex GST), paid in two instalments. $1,000 will be paid upon signing the service agreement to assist artists with materials and expenses with the final payment of $1,000 being issued on completion of the project.
For more information about Country Health Mental Health go to http://sahealth.sa.gov.au/ for an insight into Integrated Mental Health Inpatient Unit in Whyalla go to http://www.countryarts.org.au/news/room19/
Download information about past recipients here
Please submit proposals by 5pm on Monday 22 January 2018 via email (preferably with a link to a drop box) to: [email protected] or post to: David Moseley, Country Health SA Mental Health, Level 1, 22 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000.
The successful applicant(s) will be informed by Monday 5 March 2018.
Image: Artist in residence Jade Harland’s work from the 2017 residency