Participate as a venue

The South Australian Living Artists (SALA) Festival is a state-wide celebration of visual art.

Hundreds of venues take part in SALA Festival every year, displaying a range of visual art forms – painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, ceramics, jewellery, glass, moving image, textile, papercraft, printmaking, metalwork, furniture, and more.

For the whole month of August you can find the work of South Australian artists not just in traditional gallery spaces, but in all kinds of venues across the State. From the walls of wineries in McLaren Vale to Riverland cafes, projections on outback silos, paintings in library windows, and sculptures in beautiful gardens. Pubs, hotels, civic spaces, restaurants, shopping centres, hospitals, hairdressers, empty shopfronts, parks, stairwells, fences – just about any kind of space will do.

We’ve seen animal portraits in pet stores; still lifes in the flower shop; stories of a community projected by night in the shop windows of the main street.

Interested in celebrating the work of a South Australian artist in your space next August? Read on below.

How to take part in SALA Festival

Hover over each tile with your mouse for more information.

Tap on a coloured tile for more information.

Step 1 - Check your eligibility as a venue

Are you in SA?

The Festival takes place in South Australia.

Got room?

Do you have a publicly accessible space available at some point during August? Exhibitions can be as short as 1 day and as long as you like. Check any potential hurdles (renovations, etc.)

Preferred display method?

Blutack, pins, magnets, hooks, nails, projection, display boards, floating walls, plinths, bolted to the ground...

Your artist will need to know if you have heritage-listed walls that can't be drilled.

would you welcome all visitors?

Will you welcome non-customers who are just coming to see the art? If not, you may need to condense the dates and/or times that the exhibition is listed as open so that you can be welcoming to all guests.

Step 2 - Find an artist & get in touch

Ask around

Ask around your networks to see if you already know an artist who might be a good fit for your space.

use the Artist & Venue Noticeboard

It's like 'the classifieds' for finding an artist. Open from 20 January - 28 April 2025
Artist & Venue Noticeboard

Step 3 - Agree on details


When will the artist have access to the space to set up the artwork? (specific dates & times) Same for removal of the artwork. Do you expect walls to be patched/painted? Communicate & negotiate.


Who will submit the SALA Registration Form via the SALA Online Portal before midnight Wednesday 14 May 2025?

Open Dates

When can the exhibition start and when will it end? Are there any specific dates that it may need to be closed to the public? eg private function.
Note: the exhibition should open after installation is completed.


Who will pay the SALA Registration Fee?
More Info

Open Hours

Determine the 'vewing hours' for the exhibition.

9am-5pm Mon-Fri,
2-4pm every 2nd Sat,
24/7, one night only 6-9pm, etc.


Let the artist know if their artworks will be covered against damage while on display at your venue or not.

Opening Event

You do not have to have an opening night event, but if you would like to, agree on some key details beforehand. Eg staffing, times, set-up, food, drinks, speeches.


Determine how artwork sales & inquiries will be handled. (eg, entirely deferred to the artist, handled by the venue, or using the Shop SALA QR code system. Clarify before proceeding if you expect a commission for facilitating sales.

Step 4 - Do the things

receive promo pack

A venue sticker, poster, and printed programs are coming your way! Check out your venue listed in print. Note - avoid changes to these details.


Facilitate the installation of the artwork. (It sometimes takes longer than anticipated).


Enjoy being part of the world's largest open-access visual arts Festival and thank you for supporting local artists.

Key dates for 2025

Monday 20 January
Artist & Venue Noticeboard open

Saturday 1 March
Registrations open
Most awards open

Monday 7 April, midnight*
Early Bird pricing ends

Sunday 28 April, midnight*
Artist & Venue Noticeboard closes

Wednesday 14 May, midnight*
Registrations close

Wednesday 21 May, midnight*
Most Awards close

1 – 31 August 2025
SALA Festival

Saturday 16 – Sunday 17 August 
Open Studios Weekend 

* SALA staff will be available to support registrations and applications up until 5pm, Monday to Friday.

More information

For more information about how to take part in the SALA Festival, 

SALA Participation Resource (PDF)

Download the SALA Participation Resource (PDF) for more in-depth information

Pre-Registration Checklist

Check out the pre-registration checklist


Head to the Resources page of our website.

Contact SALA

Get in touch via phone on (08) 7077 0011 or email at [email protected]