Festival Participation

The South Australian Living Artists (SALA) Festival is an open-access visual arts festival held each August, celebrating the work of living South Australian visual artists, regardless of age or experience right across the state. 

You can get involved with SALA Festival by participating as: 

The most common way that people take part in SALA is that to organise an event that celebrates the work of south Australian living visual artists (like an art exhibition, open studio, artist talk, etc) to take place in South Australia during August, and then they register that event to be included in the festival.

To register, you’ll need to complete a registration form through the SALA Online Portal, and pay the registration fee.

Key dates for 2025

Monday 20 January: Artist & Venue Noticeboard open

Saturday 1 March: Registrations open

Saturday 1 March: Most Awards open

Monday 7 April, midnight*: Early Bird pricing ends

Sunday 28 April, midnight*: Artist & Venue Noticeboard closes

Wednesday 14 May, midnight*: Registrations close

Wednesday 21 May, midnight*: Most Awards close

1 – 31 August: SALA Festival

August 16 – 17 August: Open Studios Weekend

* SALA staff will be available to support registrations and applications up until 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Join the SALA Festival mailing list for reminders of approaching 2025 SALA key dates.

Steps to Participate:

As an Artist

Step 1: Confirm Artist Eligibility

Are you a visual artist currently living and working in South Australia? If yes, you are eligible to participate in SALA Festival.

Step 2: Find a Venue

Ask Around, or use the Artist & Venue Finder
Have a venue in mind? Ask if you can exhibit there! If not, explore available spaces on the SALA Artist & Venue Noticeboard.
Artist & Venue Noticeboard

Step 3: Agree on Event Details

Discuss logistics such as insurance, dates and times, installation, and who pays for what and get the details in writing. Visit the resources page for an agreement template.

Step 4: Register your event

Either you or the venue can submit your registration through SALA’s online portal between 1 March and 14 May, 2025. Check for council rebates and apply for eligible awards.
Registration Portal

Step 5: Promote & Install

And enjoy being part of SALA
Finish making your art and install your exhibition. You will receive the SALA promo packs in July. Promote your event through social media and your own networks. Finally, enjoy watching audiences experience your art!

Visit the Participate as an Artist page for more information. 

As a Venue

Step 1: Confirm Venue Eligibility

Are you a venue located in South Australia? Are you happy to have audiences enter your space to look at art during August? If you answered yes, then you are eligible to participate in SALA Festival.

Step 2: Find an artist

Ask Around or use the Artist & Venue Noticeboard
You might already know a South Australian artist whose work you love. If you do, now is the time to ask them to exhibit in your space. Otherwise, browse the list of artists looking for venues to exhibit in through the Artist & Venue Noticeboard.
Artist & Venue Noticeboard

Step 3: Agree on Event Details

Discuss logistics such as insurance, dates and times, installation, and who pays for what and get the details in writing. Visit the resources page for an agreement template.

Step 4: Register your event

Either you or the artist can submit your registration through SALA’s online portal between 1 March and 14 May, 2025. Check for council rebates and apply for eligible awards.
Registration Portal

Step 5: Promote & Host

And enjoy being part of SALA
You will receive the SALA promo packs out in early July. Promote your event through social media and your own networks. Set up the exhibition, monitor the artwork and enjoy watching audiences experience the art in your space!

Visit the Participate as a Venue page for more information. 

Need help with your 2025 SALA registration? Whether you have questions about your SALA activity, council rebates, or anything else SALA-related, we’re here to assist!

Visit our Information Sessions page to book a time with a staff member.

Participation Resource

For more information on how to participate, you can view the 2025 Participation Resource here.   

For more guidance on the process of organising an event and registering check out the resources page of our website. 

Frequently Asked Questions

To get your work into the SALA program you must organise an exhibition or arts event, complete a registration form and submit it before 14 May, 2025. 

For more guidance on the process of organising an event and registering check out the resources page of our website. 

  • An in-person art exhibition. This is the most common way that artists participate. An exhibition can be indoors or outdoors.
  • An online visual art exhibition 
  • An artist talk (which can occur without an exhibition)
  • A forum about art 
  • An open studio

Don’t see your event type here? Get in contact with us to discuss your idea.

All visual artists living and working in South Australia are eligible to be part of SALA. You can work in any visual art medium, be of any skill level, and be any age. 

Any South Australian venue can host a SALA exhibition, including private residences, as long as the exhibition can be safely viewable by the public at least once during August.

If you are unsure whether your activity falls within ‘visual art’ don’t hesitate to contact the SALA team to discuss.

To participate in SALA Festival, organisers must find an artist to exhibit or a venue to exhibit in.

We created the SALA Artist & Venue Noticeboard to help artists and venues find each other. 

Artists can list themselves as an artist seeking a venue for the Festival, and can browse the Available Venues List (please note that this list is not exhaustive, and is constantly changing).

Venues interested in taking part can create a venue profile to show their available exhibitions space to interested artists. They can also brows the Available Artists List (please note that this list is not exhaustive,  and is constantly changing).

We also strongly encourage artists to use their personal and/or professional networks to find a venue that they might have a connection to (and vice-versa).

The visual arts encompass painting, drawing, sculpture, glass, textiles, ceramics, printmaking, photographic art, (and more!) But it does not include theatre, music, or dance. These mediums are unable to be part of our Festival unless these activities support a visual arts event. 

If you would like to hold a physical exhibition in SALA, you will need to find a venue to host the exhibition. We recommend that you approach any venues that are appropriate for hosting your work to see if they are interested, and you can also view a list of venues seeking artists for SALA on the SALA Artist & Venue Noticeboard. You can also create an artist profile on this platform to help venues to find you. Approaching a venue that might align with your kind of artwork can work really well too (eg, a petshop for animal portraits). 

If you would like to hold an online exhibition, you do not need to find a venue, and can hold the exhibition on a website or web platform instead.

In either case, a registration form will need to be submitted for the exhibition.

Online exhibitions are a valid form of display in the SALA Festival. 

Please note that online exhibitions will need to be hosted independently (just like a physical exhibition does). Registering in the SALA Festival gets you a listing in the SALA Program, which acts as a directory rather than a host site.

If you’re wanting to put on an online exhibition but not sure which platform to use, think about what you actually want to do first. If you’re presenting a body of work through photographs/images, maybe you could use Wix or a virtual gallery like artsteps. If you want to make an artist talk, maybe a narrated PowerPoint slideshow on YouTube or an audio recording on Soundcloud is more appropriate. 

As every venue is different, SALA is unable to give blanket advice about how best to adhere to State Government restrictions.

We recommend that you/your venue keep up-to-date with information from the State Government of South Australia.

You can find more information about the cost to register, and available council rebates in the Registration Fees and Council Rebates section of our website.

Absolutely! There are no restrictions on how many exhibitions or events an artist can exhibit in. However, each new project will need a new registration.

Each year, several local councils support artists and venues participating in SALA by subsiding partial or whole registration fees. This scheme acknowledges the role that artists and local venues play in the cultural life of the council area. See the Council Rebates page for a full list of participating councils.

If your council has not listed a rebate offer, please contact them directly to ask whether they can offer this service.  

A studio is the space where an artist creates their artwork. SALA is a great time to invite the general public to see the spaces where artists work, either by opening up the space to the public or by recording a tour of the space and sharing it online.

Each year SALA highlights the registered open studios over the Open Studios Weekend. If you are registering an Open Studio, consider trying to align your open dates with this particular weekend. SALA accepts registrations from dedicated commercial studios and studios in private residences.

Please note, if you are working from a shared studio space it is best practice to confirm the Open Studio event with other tenants, and ensure that they are aware of the associated dates (in case they want to prepare, or don’t want to be involved).

Artists, curators and venues that are registered in the SALA Festival are encouraged to self-nominate for the SALA Awards.

Read up on the different awards and eligibility criteria on the SALA Awards page, and be sure to complete an award nomination form via the SALA Online Portal before the close of nominations.

It is the responsibility of the artist and the venue to secure adequate public liability insurance. This insurance covers the risk of a member of the public injuring themselves through the action of the artist or the venue (eg, an artwork falling off a wall and injuring someone). You may also seek contents insurance to cover equipment/art work within the space against being damaged for the duration of the exhibition.

For insurance advice and short term cover for your SALA exhibition contact SALA partners City Rural Insurance on 8272 7785 / cityrural.net.au

We love an unconventional idea!

As long as your event incorporates living South Australian visual artists, please consider registering it.

If you would like help or feedback with your idea, get in contact with us!

All donations have a huge impact on our future; we appreciate every contribution. You can donate to us via our Donate page. 

Donations above $2 are tax deductible.

Got more questions?

Head to our resources page (look for our Participation Resource (PDF) in particular!)

Or contact the SALA Festival team
(08) 7077 0011 / [email protected]

Registering for SALA festival

Registrations for SALA Festival 2024 are now closed. Join the SALA Festival mailing list or check back in January for updates on the 2025 SALA key dates.