SALA Festival 2025 - Artist & Venue Noticeboard

Looking for an artist or a venue for SALA Festival 2025? Browse profiles here to find possible partners.

Please note: Making a profile does not register you for the 2025 SALA Festival.

This tool helps artists and venues see who they might team up with. It is up to you to reach out and plan the show together.

Once you have found an artist/venue you need to register the exhibition.
We'll let you know when Registration open in 2025 via email.

If you are an artist looking for a venue, create a profile below. Venues will be able to view this profile and contact you if they are interested in exhibiting your work. Similarly, you can browse the profiles of venues seeking artists using the Available Venues button below.

Once you have found a venue and confirmed that you will exhibit there, don’t forget to hide your profile (Simply log in, click on the profile, and click the ‘profile hidden’ button near the top of the form to make it blue.)


If you are a venue looking for an artist/s, create a profile below. Artists will be able to view this profile and contact you if they are interested in exhibiting at your venue. Similarly, you can browse the profiles of artists seeking venues using the Available Artists button below.

When you are no longer seeking artists, don’t forget to hide your profile (Simply log in, click on the profile, and click the ‘profile hidden’ button near the top of the form to make it blue.)

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